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展商风采 ▎国益毛刷进军2024中国国际五金展

文章来源:合得沃会展公司 时间:2024-10-17 点击:2024-10-17


CIHS 2024 展商风采




Company Introduction



      龙廷镇毛刷产业兴起于上世纪90年代初期,经过近三十年的发展已形成完整的产业链条。通过成立毛刷协会,实现产业抱团发展,提高了产品市场竞争力,小毛刷逐步做成了大产业,龙廷镇成为名副其实的“毛刷小镇”。目前,全镇毛刷企业80%设备更新换代,各家企业生产工艺达到国内一流水平,毛刷产业已完美实现“手工制造” 向 “机械化制造”的技术转型。毛刷产业的快速发展同时带动了物流、电商的发展,龙廷镇毛刷网上店铺73个,线上交易额达3亿元,占据线上毛刷总交易额的70%,实现淘宝、阿里巴巴、拼多多、抖音直播等电商平台毛刷销量第一名,北站村也被评为“中国淘宝村”。

      我们公司拥有雄厚实力、凝聚精英团队以及多年的行业经验,以创新和卓越的服务质量为核心竞争力,致力于为客户提供最优质的产品和服务。生产工艺达到国内一流水平,毛刷产业已完美实现“手工制造” 向 “机械化制造”的技术转型。我们始终坚持以客户需求为导向,通过不断地技术研发和工艺改进,使我们的产品在市场上具有卓越的竞争优势。


      Shandong Guoyi Brush Co., Ltd. was established on September 28, 2016, under the leadership of General Manager Dong Hefeng. Our company integrates production, processing, and sales, specializing in a wide range of paint accessories and auxiliary tools. Our main brands include Guoyi, Yishui, Mudsmith, Vertical Coating, and Coating. We are dedicated to professional R&D, production, and sales of various brush types such as paint brushes and roller brushes; plastic paint roller trays; thumb handles; putty knives; plaster boards; cleaning knives; brush knives; wire/copper brushes; wire wheel brushes; wire balls; mesh cloths; pipe pliers; glue guns; labor protection equipment and other painting tools and accessories. Since our establishment, we have implemented a comprehensive quality management system that is both complete and scientific. We consistently uphold the pursuit of product excellence by combining advanced machinery technology with manual craftsmanship to produce high-quality brushes that have gained recognition within the industry. We warmly welcome individuals from all walks of life to visit us for guidance or business negotiations in order to create mutually beneficial opportunities.            

      The factory was established in Brush Town, Xintai City, Shandong Province in 2001. Chairman Dong Zhongyong (the manager's father) founded his own brush workshop for independent research and development, processing, and production. Through continuous development, a processing plant was established in 2012 to expand the scale of production and improve output.

      Longting Town brush industry rose in the early 1990s, after nearly 30 years of development has formed a complete industrial chain. Through the establishment of the brush association, to achieve industrial development, improve the competitiveness of the product market, small brush gradually made a big industry, Longting town has become a veritable 'brush town'. At present, 80% of the equipment of brush enterprises in the town has been upgraded, the production process of various enterprises has reached the domestic first-class level, and the brush industry has perfectly realized the technological transformation of 'manual manufacturing' to 'mechanized manufacturing'. The rapid development of the brush industry has also led to the development of logistics and e-commerce. There are 73 brush online shops in Longting Town, with an online transaction volume of 300 million yuan, accounting for 70% of total online brush transaction volume. The sales on Taobao, Alibaba, Pin-Duo and Tiktok Live platforms ranked first; Beizhen Village was also rated as 'China's Taobao Village'.

     Our company possesses robust capabilities, an elite team, and extensive industry experience. Our core competitiveness lies in innovation and excellent service quality, as we are dedicated to delivering the highest quality products and services to our customers. Our production process has achieved a leading domestic standard, marking a seamless technological transformation from 'manual manufacturing' to 'mechanized manufacturing' in the brush industry. We consistently prioritize customer demands and continuously engage in technology research, development, and process improvement to maintain a superior competitive advantage for our products in the market.


客户至上  服务周到   互利双赢

Enterprise purpose: Putting customers first, providing thoughtful service, and pursuing mutual benefit and win-win outcomes. 



以人为本 诚信立业  开拓进取  求实创新

Business philosophy: Focusing on people, upholding integrity, advancing with determination, being pragmatic and innovative. 



热情  真诚  专业  高效

Enterprise service concept: Enthusiasm, sincerity, professionalism, and efficiency.



多创优质产品   提高企业形象

Enterprise goal: Creating more high-quality products and enhancing corporate image. 



创新  诚信  务实 高效   用心做事   真情待人

Enterprise spirit: Embracing innovation, integrity, pragmatism, efficiency; working diligently and treating others with sincerity. 





Company mission: Oriented towards customers' needs; committed to continuous innovation; delivering the highest level of service with a professional attitude.




Business Scope:

Hair Brush、Wool Brush、Pig Hair Brush、Oil Paint Brush、Roller Brush、Plastic Paint Roller Trays、Thumb Handles、Putty Knife、Scraper、Plaster Boards、Cleaning knife、Knife Brush、Wire Brush、Wire Wheel Brushes、Household Cleaning Brush、Pipe Pliers、Glue Guns、Grinding Tool、Gridding Cloth、Safety Hammer、Labor Protection Equipment and Other Painting Tools and accessories.




客户至上 服务周到  互利双赢


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